Now you can know about your device information in just one click.Device information like: Bootloader, brand, CPU ABI, CPU ABI2, Device, Display, Fingerprint, Hardware, Manufacturer, Product, SDK Version.
- No need to add any permissions in AndroidMenifest.xml file.
- android.os.Build.BOOTLOADER
- android.os.Build.BRAND
- android.os.Build.CPU_ABI
- android.os.Build.CPU_ABI2
- android.os.Build.DEVICE
- android.os.Build.DISPLAY
- android.os.Build.FINGERPRINT
- android.os.Build.HARDWARE
- android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER
- android.os.Build.PRODUCT
- android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK
- Just set it in textView and check result. Here i have attached screenshot of this details.
great also nice info!